Are you in need of truck drivers but don’t know where to find them? Or have you spent too much time and money recruiting with other truck driver staffing agencies and decided you’ve had enough?
PDLDrivers Inc. has the solution—driver staffing allows your driver pool to fluctuate in size to match your workload! PDLDrivers’ driver staffing service provides you with qualified, highly trained, and experienced professional drivers. You retain full control with our drivers following your direction. No more advertising, interviewing, road testing, updating DOT files, or administrating unemployment claims, workers’ compensation, and benefits!
Our drivers have the qualifications you require: whether you need someone who is fully endorsed or just has reefer or flatbed experience, we can cover your every need. So if you’re looking to spend more of your resources on your company’s core business and less on the endless staffing cycle, driver staffing is exactly what you’re seeking.